Deployment of international support mission expected in second half of May; presidential council chooses for rotating presidency

Haiti Matters is a collaboration under EEPA+, a Belgium-based Centre of Expertise with in-depth knowledge, publications, and networks, specialised in issues of peacebuilding, refugee protection, and resilience. Haiti Matters is a network of people and organisations supporting the Haitian people.  The Situation Reports can be found here. To receive the situation report in your e-mail, click here. For the Situation Report on the Horn of Africa, click here. You can unsubscribe at any moment through the link at the bottom of each e-mail. The Situation Report is published bi-monthly.

Situation on the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT)

  • The choice of Edgard Leblanc Fils was put into question by members of the CPT, as the proper procedure set out in the agreement signed on 3 April, was not followed. 
  • It was decided that there would be a rotating presidency instead, with Edgard Leblanc Fils as the first president for a period of 5 months.
  • It was also agreed that a super majority would be needed for instance on the election of a president or prime minister, with at least 5 votes out of 7 instead of 4. 
  • Fritz Bélizaire will not be Haiti’s Prime Minister, due to objections within the CPT. The council has now opened the applications for the position of Prime Minister. Applicants must be from the sectors that are forming the CPT and must have a letter of adherence from the sector.

Situation in Haiti

  • A number of attacks took place in Port-au-Prince on 1 and 2 May in the neighbourhoods of Solino and Delmas, among others. During the attacks there was heavy exchange of gunfire, and houses were set on fire, leaving many residents homeless. 
  • Gressier, a city south of Port-au-Prince was attacked by the gangs on 13 May before being recaptured by the National Police Force. It was the first city that came under gang control since the establishment of the CPT. 
  • Protestors attempted to set fire to the customs office in Cap Haïtien, expressing their dissatisfaction to rising customs clearance fees, impacting the livelihoods of small traders.
  • The medical director of the sanatorium hospital, Dr. Jean Ardouin Louis Charles, has urged authorities to identify and treat patients with tuberculosis, especially among IDPs who are more vulnerable and at risk of developing resistance to the disease due to inconsistent treatment.
  • Gender-based violence was 5 times higher in March 2024 than in January and February 2024 combined, with 75% of cases concerning sexual violence, and 78% of victims being displaced people.
  • The humanitarian crisis and low supply of basic goods has led to more child recruitment in gangs, and women engaging in sex work.
  • The lack of schooling, trauma, and dire conditions has made children particularly vulnerable. A recent training in a safe part of Port-au-Prince took place to help parents deal with their children’s trauma.
  • Up to 400 houses have been destroyed around the Toussaint Louverture airport to increase security around the airport. There are still no commercial flights flying into Port-au-Prince, although American Airlines has suggested that there would be flights again from 16 May.
  • The practice of Vodou, a religion originating from West Africa that was at the core of the Haitian revolution, has increased as a response to the rising insecurity and humanitarian crisis in Haiti.
  • Haitians have been demanding the resignation of director of Haiti’s National Police, Frantz Elbé, accusing him of being incapable and even complicit with gangs.

Situation on the Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission

  • The CPT wrote to Kenyan President Ruto on 6 May stating that they were taking over the file of the MSS mission and were awaiting the Kenyan contribution.
  • The US military is setting up a base in Port-au-Prince from where the Kenyan police officers will be able to operate. US civilian contractors have started landing in Port-au-Prince with supplies.
  • Over the weekend of 11 and 12 May, the first team of the MSS mission, consisting of 200 members, was told to be on standby for departure. It is estimated that the team could leave for Haiti between 18 and 22 May.
  • A team of top Kenyan security officials visited Washington from 6 to 11 May for a series of meetings and agreements on the deployment.
  • The deployment was originally estimated to start around 23 May, coinciding with a visit from President Ruto to the white house. 
  • The coalition of gangs called “Vivre Ensemble” has been organising demonstrations against the arrival of the MSS mission, whilst putting pressure on their members not to flee to the provinces as the support forces arrive.
  • Jimmy Chérizier, Haiti’s most prominent gang leader known as Barbecue, has stated that the consortium of gang “Vivre Ensemble” is preparing for a long fight with the international support force, which will involve a lot of bloodshed.

International situation

  • Three cities in France, Nantes, Bordeaux, and La Rochelle, are supporting opening negotiations with Haiti on the repayment of the independence debt, amounting to billions of euros. 
  • A working group has been established at the State University of Haiti on the restitution by France of the debt of Independence.

Links of interest

PTC’s Struggle for Stability: Rotating Presidency, 5 out of 7 Majority, Indissoluble Majority Bloc, President and Prime Minister Designated
Shift in Rotating Presidency at the Presidential Transition Council
Haiti’s new governmental transition council to choose another prime minister
Presidential Transition Council Searches for Its Prime Minister
Residents flee as Haitian gangs launch new gun and arson attacks in capital
PNH Regains Control of Gressier
Gressier: First Urban Area Seized by Bandits during CPT Era
Fire and Unrest at Cap-Haïtien Customs
Beware of Tuberculosis!
Haiti – Insecurity : Alarming level of sexual violence in Haiti
Haiti children ‘killing and looting’ with gangs while women resort to sex work
Violence is traumatizing Haitian kids. Now the country’s breaking a taboo on mental health services
Approximately 350 Homes Destroyed, 90 More to Be Demolished Soon to Tighten Security around Toussaint Louverture International Airport
Le CPT mobilise ses efforts pour la réouverture de l’Aéroport international Toussaint Louverture
Haitians are turning to Vodou as gang violence appears unending
Haitians demand the resignation and arrest of the country’s police chief after a new gang attack
PTC Requests Multinational Security Support Mission Deployment
Haiti – Politic : The CPT asks Kenya to deploy the Multinational Mission in Haiti
Haiti mission: US military sets up base for Kenya police
Kenyan police officers preparing to deploy to Haiti, where preparations are under way
Kenyan troops to land in Haiti before Ruto’s US state visit
Haiti – FLASH : Gangs worried about the arrival of the multinational force
Haiti’s gang leader anticipates prolonged conflict amid arrival of international forces, warns of ‘bloodshed’
France: Repayment of the independence debt 3 cities favorable
Haiti – FLASH : The UEH will work on the restitution by France of the Independence debt

Disclaimer: All information in this Situation Report is presented as a fluid update report, as to the best knowledge and understanding of the authors at the moment of publication. Haiti Matters does not claim that the information is correct but verifies to the best of ability within the circumstances. Publication is weighed on the basis of interest to understand potential impacts of events (or perceptions of these) on the situation. Check all information against updates and other media. Haiti Matters does not take responsibility for the use of the information or impact thereof. All information reported originates from third parties and the content of all reported and linked information remains the sole responsibility of these third parties. Report to any additional information and corrections.