This page contains articles by EEPA and its employees in mainstream media, as well as mentioning of EEPA’s work and statements from EEPA in the media.
- Ethio Forum ኢትዮ ፎረም. (2024). “ከንቲባው ቢሊዮኖችን ዘርፏል” ጄኔራሉ፣ የፋኖ ምላሽ ለዐቢይ ንግግር፣ ስለአሰብ በመቀለና አስመራ ድርደር፣ “እርቅ የለም” ህወሓት“፣ “ዘመቱብን” አዛዡ| EF [Video]. YouTube. 3 November 2024.
- Heisterkamp, L., & Hildebrandt, P. J. (2024). Der Folterknecht. DER SPIEGEL. 4 November 2024.
- InDepthNews. (2024). Tigray war 2020-2022 documented. IDN-InDepthNews. 2 November 2024.
- Plaut, M. (2024). New three volume study of Tigray war reveals Israeli mediation in events leading to the conflict. Martin Plaut. 1 November 2024.
- Tghat. (2024). Three volumes of books on Tigray war published in advance of commemoration. Tghat. 2 November 2024.
- Tilburg University. (2024). Three Volumes on Tigray War (2020-2022) published in Advance of Commemoration. 1 November 2024.
- Claes, Tom. (2023). Oromo’s in Ethiopië: gekoloniseerd in eigen land. Mondiaal Nieuws. 15 June 2023.
- AfricaExpress. (2023). Libia-Somalia-Eritrea-Etiopia: traffico di esseri umani, tra il 2017 e 2021 verso l’Europa oltre 200mila migranti. 2 February 2023
- Agro, F. (2023). Schiavi in Libia. Quando la morte in mare è il minore dei mali. Eco Internationale, 12 April 2023.
- Alwafd. (2023).قرر الأمم المتحدة بحقوق الإنسان في إريتريا: جرائم خطف وتجنيد الأطفال واعتقالات لمواطني .أسمرة
- van Amerongen, J. (2023). Marteling, afpersing en verkrachting: beruchte mensensmokkelaar in Nederland voor de rechter. RTL Nieuws, 6 April 2023.
- Avvenire. (2023). Dal Corno d’Africa 200 mila schiavi in Libia in 4 anni: la rotta della tratta. 7 February 2023.
- Baneke, I. (2023). OM: Tientallen tot honderden Eritreeërs in Nederland zijn afgeperst en mishandeld door smokkelbendes. Trouw. 25 February 2023.
- Brot fur die Welt (2021). Informiert und uberwacht: Mit dem Smartphone auf der Flucht. June 2023.
- Indepthnews. (2023). UN Rapporteur Bashes Eritrean Defence Forces for Atrocities in Tigray. 27 October 2023
- Jacobsen, R. (2023). New Study Reveals Awful Human Trafficking Trails to Libya. IDN InDepthNews, 5 February 2023
- Laumans, W. & Vugts, P. (2023). Eritreeers in Nederland: Trauma’s en uitzichtloosheid zijn een gevaarlijke mix. “Ze zijn totaal losgeslagen.”. Het Parool. 28 January 2023. [print version: copy available]. [Online version: available here]
- Mesfin, D. (2023). Prof. Mirjam van Reisen: a Tulip in a field of weeds. Asmarino Independent. 11 April 2023.
- Monitor. (2023). Više od 200.000 robova: Bez pravnog i ekonomskog izlaza Eritrejci su zarobljeni u krugu trgovine ljudima. 11 February 2023.
- Nieuwsuur. (2023). Vanavond op tv: Slachtoffers van wreed smokkelnetwerk • Protest tegen wapenleveranties Oekraïne. NOS. 25 February 2023.
- Plaut, M. (2023). Statement by Dr Babiker, UN Rapporteur, and contributions to the European Parliament Round Table on Eritrea. Martin Plaut, 25 October 2023.
- van de Klundert, M. & Schrader, M. (2023). OM: honderden Eritreeërs in Nederland slachtoffer van wreed smokkelnetwerk. NOS. 25 February 2023
- DutchNews. (2023). Hundreds of Eritreans in the Netherlands victims of smuggling network. 25 February 2023.
- GO-FAIR US. (2022). VODAN-Africa Celebrates the GO FAIR Approach Working Across 88 facilities in 8 African Countries to Combat Covid-19 and Future Outbreaks. 8 May 2022.
- Humbel, G. (2022). Wo sammelt die eritreische Diktatur auf diesem Foto Geld ein, in Afrika oder im Wallis? NZZ Magazine. 27 August 2022.
- LeidenASA. (2022). LeidenASA Annual Meeting: Leiden-based Africa research in the spotlight. 12 December 2022.
- LUMC. (2022). An insight into the value of international collaborations in global health(care) challenges, to be further highlighted during Leiden2022. 25 May 2022.
- Tilburg University. (2022). Oorlog in Oekraïne: Tilburgse wetenschappers leggen gevolgen uit. 4 April 2022.
- RTL Nieuws. (2022). Dit zijn de enige landen die Rusland steunen (spoiler: het zijn er vier). RTL Nieuws, 4 March 2022. Available at:
- Ruetir. (2022). These are the only countries that support Russia (spoiler: there are four). Ruetir, translated from RTL Nieuws, 4 March 2022. Available at:
- Siebers, P. (2022). Marga Klompé was charming, decisive and founder of the welfare state. Univers. 14 October 2022.
- Tacken, T. (2022). Eritrese christenen niet langer welkom in Tilburgse kerk: ‘Etensresten in de doopvont’. BD, 9 March 2022. Available at:
- Van der Ven, C. (2022). Alleen op de wereld. De Nederlandse bijdrage aan coronabestrijding. De Groene Amsterdammer, 23 February 2022. Available at:
- Vries, E. de. (2022). Eritrea mobiliseert troepen, ‘kan genadeklap zijn voor mensen Tigray’. NOS Nieuws. 24 September 2022.
- Agenzia Fides. (2021). AFRICA/ETHIOPIA – Stop violence against women in Tigray: an immediate solution is urgently needed. 1 June 2023.
- Ateba, S. (2021). “I’m proudly a Tigrayan woman born and raised in the United States” and I want the world to know that “a state-led and state-sponsored genocide is being committed against the people of Tigray”. Today News Africa, 18 June 2021
- Chimtom, M. K. (2021). International community urged to stop rape as a weapon of war in Tigray. Crux, 21 June 2021.
- Floris, F. (2021). Tigray, la guerra continua anche con nuove testimonianze di violenze e massacri. Il Manifesto, 15 January 2021.
- Gnisci, J. (2021). Tigray’s people and their heritage urgently need protecting. Apollo Magazine, 3 February 2021
- InDepthNews. (2021). Unease as UN Peace Mission in Sudan Ends and Ethiopian Soldiers Return Home. 3 January 2021.
- International Christian Concern (2021). 750 Christians Reported Dead Defending Supposed Ark of the Covenant. 21 January 2021.
- Jacobsen, R. (2021). UN Acclaims VODAN’s Contribution to Fight COVID-19 in Africa. IDN-InDepthNews, 12 March 2021. Available at:
- Jacobsen, R. (2021). Ethiopia-Tigray: Call for Referring Conflict-Related Sexual Violence To ICC – OpEd. Eurasia Review, 29 May 2021
- Kumar, A. (2021). 750 killed at Ethiopian Orthodox church said to contain Ark of the Covenant: report. Christian Post, 18 January 2021
- Lannoo, B. (2021). Religie en cultuur onder vuur in Tigray. Kerknet, 7 June 2021.
- Leiden University Medical Center. (2021). VODAN-Africa researchers design a FAIR digital data health infrastructure that is helping in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. LUMC Press Release, 23 August 2021. Available at:
- Leiden University Medical Center. (2021). New professor wants to improve international access to medical data for research. LUMC Press Release, 10 June 2021. Available at:
- Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. (2021). Nieuwe hoogleraar wil medische data internationaal toegankelijker maken voor onderzoek. LUMC Persbericht, 10 June 2021. Available at:
- Loveniers, M. (2021). Oorlog in Tigray vernietigt mensenlevens én belangrijk werelderfgoed. Mondiaal Nieuws, 21 January 2021
- Paveley, R. (2021). Massacre ‘of 750’ reported in Aksum church complex, Tigray, Ethiopia. Church Times, 15 January 2023.
- Plaut, M. (2021). Innovative tool to fight Covid in Africa receives UNESCO recognition. MartinPlaut, 6 March 2021. Available at:
- Plaut, M. (2021). Ethiopia’s capital under threat as Tigrayan rebels advance. The New Statesman, 9 November 2021. Available at:
- Suna Times (2023). Ethiopia Tigray Situation Report EEPA HORN No. 69. 29 January 2021.
- Tisdall, S. (2021). Ethiopia’s leader must answer for the high cost of hidden war in Tigray. The Guardian, 24 January 2023.
- Uganda Christian News. (2021). 750 Christians killed defending supposed Ark of the Covenant. 3 February 2021
- Varghese, J. (2021). 750 Ethiopians Hiding in Famous Aksum ‘Ark of Covenant’ Church Shot Dead – Report. International Business Times, 20 January 2021.
- Wilschut, J. (2021). Bezoek Eritrees-orthodoxe delegatie ‘enorm zorgelijk’. Nederlands Dagblad, 16 October 2021. Available at:
- AIV Press Release. (2020). Persbericht: Nederlandse inzet voor een wereldwijde aanpak van de coronacrisis. AIV, 11 May 2020. Available at:
- AIV Press Release. (2020). Persbericht: Rol van Nederland bij dichten digitale kloof Afrika. AIV, 19 June 2020. Available at:
- Epker, A. (2020). Turning Tables: Internationale steun tijdens een economische crisis? De Balie, 19 May 2020. Available at:
Reposted at: - Hodson, S. (2020). Special Issue on Emerging FAIR Practices Published in Data Intelligence. CODATA, 7 February 2020. Available at:
- Jacobsen, R. (2020). COVID-19: Artificial Intelligence to Back Up Data-Driven Response in Africa. IDN-InDepthNews, 27 March 2020. Available at:
- Kampala International University. (2020). Africa expertise included in global data network to combat in the Corona pandemic. 20 March 2020. Available at:
Reposted at: Fox 34. (2020. Available at: - Leiden University. (2020). Data science can play a key role in combating coronavirus. Leiden University, 31 March 2020. Available here:
Reposted at: Medical Press. (2020). Available at: - Nauta, H. (2020). Vrees voor digitaal kolonialisme, Afrika moet baas zijn over eigen internet. Trouw, 11 September 2020. Available at:
- Nicolás, E. S. (2020). Coronavirus exposes lack of common data approach. EU Observer, 6 April 2020. Available at:
- Reisen, van, M. (2020). FAIR in Axum: IN-Africa goes back to the roots of civilisation. Go Fair, 27 February 2020. Available at:
- Reisen, van, M. (2020). GO FAIR US Webinar Series: FAIR Data & COVID-19. San Diego Supercomputer Center, 8 April 2020. Available at:
- Smart Data Solution Center. (2020). Virus Outbreak Data Network (VODAN) – Introduction and implementations. 28 April 2020. Availble at:
- SSH-COVID-19. (2020). Gevolgen voor vluchtelingen en asielzoekers: experts. N.D., available at:
- Tilburg University. (2020). ‘Internationale samenwerking meer dan ooit onmisbaar’. 15 May 2020, available at:
- Tilburg University. (2020). Mirjam van Reisen in Nieuwsuur over bloedig conflict in Ethiopië. 20 November 2020. Available at:
- Vermeeren, S. (2020). Tien jaar onderzoek naar Eritrese vluchtelingen: ‘Ons beeld van Afrika is te simpel’. Univers, 4 March 2020. Available at:
May 2020
ActuDaily. (2020). Erythrée: Une plainte contre l’UE, complice de «travail forcé». ActuDaily, 13 May 2020.
ActuDaily. (2020). Une plainte contre l’UE, complice de «travail forcé». ActuDaily, 13 May 2020.
Anderson, S. (2020). EU sued for funding ‘required labour’ Eritrea highway. World Weekly News. 13 May 2020.
- (2020). EU Called to Task for Eritrea Construction., 13 May 2020.
Avokpo, A. (2020). Erythrée : l’ UE accusé pour complicité de « travail forcé ». L.frii. 14 May 2020.
Channel Africa. (2020). Eritreans ‘sue EU over forced labour project’. Channel Africa, 14 May 2020.
Devdiscourse. (2020). Eritrean activists sue EU for funding roads built with ‘forced labour’. Devdiscourse, 13 May 2020.
Euractive. (2020). Eritrean activists sue EU for funding roads built with ‘forced labour’. Euractive,14 May 2020.
Ethiopian Monitor. (2020). Eritrean Activists Sue EU over ‘Forced Labor Project’. Ethiopian Monitor, 14 May 2020.
Flanagan, J. (2020). Activists sue EU for funding Eritrean road built with ‘forced labour’. The Times, 15 May 2020.
Guilbert, K., Wuilbercq, E. (2020). Eritrean activists sue EU for funding roads built with ‘forced labour’. Reuters, 14 May 2020.
Harper. M. (2020). Eritrean activists take EU to court. BBC, 14 May 2020.
iAfrica. (2020). EU Called to Task for Eritrea Construction. iAfrica. 13 May 2020.
Louarn, A.D. (2020). Pays-Bas : des militants érythréens attaquent l’UE pour le financement de “travaux forcés”. InfoMigrants, 14 May 2020.
Nielsen, N. (2020). EU sued for funding ‘forced labour’ Eritrea highway. EUObserver, 13 May 2020.
Plaut, M. (2020). European aid for Eritrea involving “slave labour” challenged in two courts. Eritrea Hub, 13 May 2020.
Press Club Brussels Europe. (2020). Eritrean organisation summons the EU for use of forced labour. Press Club Brussels Europe, 13 May 2020.
Press Reader. (2020). Eritreans sue EU over use of forced labour back home. Press Reader The Morning Call, 14 May 2020.
Rights Corridor. (2020). Eritrean rights group files lawsuit vs. EU over roads project built with ‘forced labour’. Rights Corridor, 14 May 2020.
Sharifi, M.M. (2020). Nederlandse stichting klaagt EU aan wegens financieren ‘dwangarbeid in Eritrea’. NRC, 13 May 2020.
Stevis-Gridneff, M. (2020). Eritreans Sue E.U. Over Use of Forced Labor Back Home. The New York Times, 13 May 2020.
Thomson Reuters Foundation. (2020). Eritrean rights advocates sue EU for funding roads built with ‘forced labor’. Taipei Times, 15 May 2020.
Trends Top. (2020). Eu Gedagvaard Voor Rechtbank Amsterdam Voor Steun Aan Dwangarbeid In Eritrea. Trends Top, 14 May 2020.
Vincent, L. (2020). Érythrée: une plainte contre l’UE, complice de «travail forcé». rfi,13 May 2020.
April 2020
Lannoo, B. (2020). Ethiopië wil vluchtelingenkamp voor Eritreeërs ontruimen. Tertio, 1 April 2020. Printed version
March 2020
Nenger, P.A. (2020). KIU Hosts Book Launch on Mobile Africa and Roaming Africa Edited by Prof. Dr. Mirjam Van Reisen Et’al. The KIU Giraffe Times, 3 March 2020.
Saba, M. (2020). Europe Finances Roads Reconstruction but Eritrea still Uses Forced Labor. Africa ExPress, 5 March 2020.
Vermeeren, S. (2020). Tien jaar onderzoek naar Eritrese vluchtelingen: ‘Ons beeld van Afrika is te simpel’. Univers, 4 March 2020.
November 2019
Nenger, P. (2019). Book Launch: Mobile Africa – Roaming Africa Edited By Prof. Dr. Mirjam Van Reisen et’al. KIU News, 14 November 2019.
Plaut, M. (2019). New peace institute launched in Tigray. EritreaHub, 13 November 2019.
Vermeulen, M. (2019). Wat je allemaal wel niet kunt lezen en luisteren als je veertien uur vaststaat in het verkeer. De Correspondent, 18 November 2019.
Lannoo, B. (2019). Vluchtelingen zijn de nieuwe melaatsen. De Standaard, 15 November 2019.
October 2019
NPO Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland (2019). En de winnaar komt uit…Ethiopië. NPO Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland, 11 October 2019.
June 2019
Jacobsen, R. (2019). European Union Lambasted for ‘Externalising’ Migration Policy. IDN-InDepthNews, 19 June 2019.
NPO Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland (2019). De EU-migratiepolitiek deugt niet maar werkt ook niet. NPO Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland, 19 June 2019.
Plaut, M. (2019). Open appeal to the EU’s Donald Tusk over Eritrea and Sudan. Harnnet, 20 June 2019.
Statewatch. (2019). EU must rethink migration policy that empowers “unaccountable militias and regimes”, say rights groups. Statewatch, Statewatch News, 19 July 2019.
May 2019
Melicherová, K. (2019). Exodus of Eritreans in Post-Peace Era Continues. IDN-InDepthNews, 9 May 2019.
April 2019
Adekunle, O. (2019). EU Accused Of Funding Forced Labour Project In Eritrea. TV360Nigeria, 2 April 2019
AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY. (2019). EU funding Eritrean road project using ‘forced labour’ say activists. Creamer Media’s, Engineering News, 2 April 2019
Arends, S. (2019). EU financiert dwangarbeid in Eritrea om migratie te stoppen. Apache, 1 April 2019
BBC. (2019). EU denies claim of funding Eritrea ‘forced labour’ project. BBC, 2 April 2019
BBC. (2019). EU accused of funding project in Eritrea using ‘forced labour’. The EastAfrican, taken from BBC, 1 April 2019
BBC Sounds (2019). Human rights activists threaten to take the European Union to court over its funding projects in Eritrea (mins. 42:25 – 46:37). BBC Sounds, Focus on Africa, 2 April 2019
BBC Tigrinya. (2019). ሕብረት ኣውሮጳ ኣብ ኤርትራ ግዱድ ስራሕ ‘ኣይመወልኩን’ ይብል. BBC Tigrinya, 2 Aprila 2019
Carvalho, V. (2019). União Europeia acusada de usar trabalho forçado. Jornal de Angola, 3 April 2019Creta, S. (2019). Eritrea, l’UE è accusata di finanziare progetti che utilizzano “lavori forzati”. La, 2 April 2019
Didden, F. (2019). EU beschuldigd van financiering dwangarbeid in Eritrea. 11.11.11, 2 April 2019
Early Breakfast with Abongile Nzelenzele (2019). EU criticized for backing Eritrean project that uses forced labour. Early Breakfast with Abongile Nzelenzele, 2 April 2019
EEPA. (2019). BREAKING NEWS: Foundation Human Rights for Eritreans Summons EU to Stop Supporting Use of Forced Labour in Eritrean Project. EEPA, 1 April 2019
EUOBSERVER. (2019). EU accused of funding ‘forced labour’ project in Eritrea. EUobserver, 2 Aprila 2019
Expresso (2019). Eritreia. Fundação de defesa dos direitos humanos acusa UE de financiar esquema de trabalho forçado. Ardina, taken from Expresso source, 2 April 2019
Gardner, T. (2019). Europe accused of financing Eritrean project based on ‘forced labour’. The Guardian, 2 April 2019
Gohr, L. (2019). Fördert die EU Zwangsarbeit in Eritrea?. Deutsche Welle, 2 April 2019
Gohr, L. (2019). Fördert die EU Zwangsarbeit in Eritrea?. Focus Online extracted from Deutsche Welle, 2 April 2019
Ghana Guardian (2019). EU condemned over Eritrea ‘forced labour’. Ghana Guardian, 2 April 2019
Gomes, H. (2019). Eritreia. Fundação de defesa dos direitos humanos acusa UE de financiar esquema de trabalho forçado. Expresso, 2 April 2019
Haukka, I. (2019). EU:n syytetään rahoittavan Eritreassa pakkotyövoimalla tehtävää tienrakennusprojektia. Yle, 1 April 2019
Kaledzi, I. (2019). EU indicted for funding “forced labour” scheme in Eritrea. Africa Feeds, 1 April 2019
Long, O. (2019). Is the EU funding forced labour in Eritrea?. Help Refugees, 2 April 2019
Medvegy, G. (2019). Kényszermunka finanszírozásával vádolják az EU-t., 2 April 2019
Moses (2019). How the EU is stealing from Eritrea’s youth and turning them to refugees in their own country. Daily Active Kenya, 1 April 2019
NPO Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland (2019). Slavenarbeid in Eritrea door EU gefinancierd. NPO Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland, 29 March 2019
Panico, P. G. (2019). L’Europa e la “sindrome di Stoccolma”: 20 milioni al dittatore eritreo Afewerki. Progetto Melting Pot Europa, 2 April 2019
Plaut, M. (2019).Eritreans issue legal challenge to EU over forced labour projects. EritreaHub, 1 April 2019
Press Club Brussels Europe (2019). PRESS RELEASE – Foundation Human Rights for Eritreans Summons EU to Stop Supporting Use of Forced Labour in Eritrean Project. Press Club Brussels Europe, 1 April 2019
Sesana, I. (2019). Gli attivisti eritrei denunciano la Ue: “Finanzia il lavoro forzato”. Altreconomia, 2 April 2019
Sharifi, M.N. (2019). Eritrese organisatie: EU-project leidt juist tot meer dwangarbeid. NRC, 2 April 2019
Sironi, B. (2019). ERITREA, DALL’EUROPA FINANZIAMENTI AL REGIME, Nigrizia, 3 April 2019
Stratfor, (2019). Eritrea: Human Rights Organization Accuses EU-Funded Project of Using Forced Labor. Stratfor, 2 April 2019
The Trust Word. (2019). EU accused of funding project in Eritrea using ‘forced labour’. The Trust Word, 2 April 2019
Tilburg University (2019). Tilburg University Professors support Eritreans summoning EU to stop use of forced labor. Tilburg University, 2 April 2019
Toelgyes, C. I. (2019). La diaspora eritrea insorge e querela l’UE: “No ai 20 milioni regalati al dittatore”. Africa ExPress, 1 April 2019
TynPanama (2019). Eritrea, la UE es acusado de financiar proyectos que utilizan los trabajos forzados. TynPanama, 2 April 2019
Vincent, L. (2019). L’Union européenne accusée de financer le travail forcé en Érythrée. RFI, 1 April 2019
March 2019
Johnson, R. (2019). EU and International NGOs Exploit Aid to Fortify Forced Labour in Eritrea. IDN-InDepthNews, 30 March 2019
February 2019
Smits, K. (2019). Europe’s Invisible Wall Whets Human Trafficking. IDN-InDepthNews, 14 February 2019
January 2019
Lannoo, B. (2019). Priester Mussie Zerai: ‘Er is geen toekomst in Eritrea, alleen repressie’. Katholiek Nieuwsblad, 11 January 2019
Plaut, M. (2019). Dutch and Italians squabble over survivors of Mediterranean disaster. EritreaHub, 28 January 2019
VPRO Bureau Buitenland (2019). Ethiopië na de radicale hervormingen. VPRO, 17 January 2019
December 2018
Assenna (2018). PRESS RELEASE – Brussels Conference, 12-14 December, 2018. 13 December 2018
BBC Tigrinya (2018). ሕብረት ኤውሮጳ ደሕንነት ስደተኛታት ኣብ ሊብያ ከውሕስ ኤርትራውያን ሓቲቶም. BBC Tigrinya, 18 December 2019
Brussels Press Club (2018). Press Release: We the People! Peace in the Horn: the Safety and Future of the Eritrean People.
Charumbira, F. (2018). EU Should Speak Against the Ill-Treatment of Eritreans. IDN-InDepthNews, 12 December 2018
EritreaFocus (2018). Eritrea in the news – Monitoring report: 13 – 14 December. EritreaFocus, 14 December 2018
Jaura, R. (2018). EU Urged to Evacuate Eritreans from Libyan ‘Death Camps’. IDN-InDepthNews, 13 December 2018
Plaut, M. (2018). Conference declaration: EU must end support for the Eritrean dictatorship. EritreaHub, 17 December 2018
TellZim (2018). African Parliament Laments Horn Of Africa Chaos. TellZim, 31 December 2018
Toelgyes, C. (2018). A Bruxelles una conferenza sul futuro (democratico) dell’Eritrea. Africa Express, 13 December 2018
November 2018
Van Reisen, M. (2018). From Giga to Terabytes: The Dutch National Data Plan. 23 November 2018, Diggit Blog
Van Reisen, M. (2018). Open on-line Science: Promoting the FAIR framework for Science. 23 November 2018, Diggit Blog
September 2018
Arends, Stef (2018). Expert: smartphones afpakken werkt mensensmokkel in de hand. Apache, 1 September 2018
Fillet, Koen, Speybrouck, Sven and Reisen, Mirjam van (2018). Levenslange legerdienst. Radio 1, Interne Keuken (15 September 2018)
Gelderlander, De (2018). Bewoner (18) aangehouden voor brandstichtingen bij Eritreeërs Lent. De Gelderlander (4 September 2018)
NPO Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland (2018). Eritrea grijpt kans op vrede aan. Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland (10 September 2018)
Plaut, Martin (2018). Eritrean exodus threatens to overwhelm Ethiopian border areas. Eritreahub (20 September 2018)
Plaut, Martin (2018). Eritrea’s exodus – updated. Eritreahub, (20 September 2018)
Spillebeen, Elien (2018). Waarom Eritreeërs steeds opduiken in onmenselijke vluchtverhalen. MO Mondiaal Nieuws (11 September 2018)
VPRO (2018). Eritreërs grijpen kans op vrede aan. VPRO, Bureau Buitenland (10 September 2018)
August 2018
Smits, K. (2018). Academics and researchers enter Eritrea – “I Set Foot in Eritrea – In the footsteps of the Elders and Leaders of the People of the Mereb”. Eritreahub (27 August 2018)
July 2018
Lingsma, Tjitske & van de Ven, Coen (2018). De moeizame jacht op de mensensmokkelaars ‘De big guys vinden we niet op zee’. De Groene Amsterdammer (11 July 2018)
June 2018
Appels, Daan (2018). ‘Lange arm van Eritrea’ houdt asielzoekers Lent in greep. De Gelderlander (28 June 2018)
GUE/NGL (2018). Impact of EU External Action in the Horn of Africa: Addressing criminalization of refugees. GUE/NGL, 28 June 2018
Josten, Bart (2018). Waarom Europese Eritreeërs een dictator steunen. Kijk op Kennis (1 June 2018)
Lepedi, Pierre (2018). TV – « Etats africains, portiers de l’Europe ». Le Monde (12 June 2018.)
Nastranis, J. (2018). Security Council Backs Dutch Sanctions Against Eritrean and Libyan Traffickers. IDN-InDepthNews (10 June 2018)
Partos (2018). Stevig debat over de toekomst van het Nederlandse ontwikkelingsbeleid. Partos (4 June 2018)
Plaut, Martin (2018). Eritrea’s pro-government trolls strike again. Martin Plaut WordPress (19 June 2018)
Roache, Madeline (2018). How one journalist is a life-line for Eritreans. Global Comment (5 June 2018)
Schäfer, J. M. (2018). Türsteher Europas: Wie Afrika Flüchtlinge stoppen soll. ARTE 12 June 2018)
Schäfer, J. M. (2018). États africains, portiers de l’Europe. ARTE (12 June 2018)
Smits, K. (2018). Press Release: Addressing criminalisation of refugees and impunity of human trafficking. EEPA (28 June 2018)
Smits, K (2018). EU must address criminalisation of refugees and impunity of human trafficking. Eritrea Hub (29 June 2018)
May 2018
Balie, de (2018). Het Nieuwe Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsbeleid: Tussen eigenbelang en altruïsme. De Balie (29 May 2018)
Plaut, Martin (2018). UN names key human traffickers via Libya; plans sanctions. Eritrea Hub (23 May 2018)
Plaut, Martin (2018). UN names key human traffickers via Libya; plans sanctions., original at Eritrea Hub (23 May 2018)
Pro Asyl, Connection E.v. (2018). Eritrea: Ein Land im Griff einer Diktatur Desertion, Flucht & Asyl. Pro Asyl, Connection E.v. (3 May 2018)
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April 2018
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March 2018
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February 2018
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January 2018
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December 2017
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November 2017
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October 2017
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September 2017
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August 2017
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June 2017
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April 2017
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March 2017
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February 2017
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January 2017
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December 2016
Ackermans, Ben (2016) ‘Leven onder voordurende angst en argwaan’, Brabants Dagblad (8 December 2016) (PDF available on request)
Bokkum, M. van (2016) ‘Rapport: Eritrea intimideert diaspora in Nederland’, NRC (16 December 2016)
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November 2016
Partos. Samen werkt. (2016), ‘Ready for Change Lunchmeeting: ‘Dit is groter dan CETA en TTIP’’, Partos. Samen werkt., (07 November 2016)
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EAI (2016), ‘It is not about what Africa can learn from the West, but what the West can learn from Africa.’, Interview Mirjam van Reisen, EAI, (25 November 2015)
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October 2016
Van Reisen, Mirjam (2016) ‘Arnold Karskens geeft in EenVandaag een naïef beeld van Eritrea’. (13 October 2016)
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September 2016
VSNU ( 2016) ‘VSNU-Café 27 september 2016 – the digital society’. (27 September 2016)
August 2016
Van Reisen, Mirjam (2016) ‘De Katapult en de boerkini’. OneWorld (30 August 2016)
July 2016
Bakker, Alexander & Jonker, Jorn (2016) ‘Vluchtelingen gaan terug voor vakantie’. De Telegraaf (18 July 2016)
Sagener, Nicole (2016) ‘EU decried for seeking deal with ‘North Korea of Africa’. Euractiv (6 July 2016)
Bruyne, de Marnix (2016) ‘Rechtszaken en ‘twittertrollen’ moeten critici Eritrea afschrikken. Wordt Vervolgd, Amnesty International (6 July 2016)
Van Reisen, Mirjam (2016) Eritrea Under Pressure Because of a Landmark UN Report. IDN-InDepthNews (1 July 2016)
June 2016
Van Reisen, Mirjam (2016) Nederlands belastinggeld naar Eritrese dictatuur. (29 June 2016)
Jacobsen (2016) Eritrea-Ethiopia: UN, AU, EU Can Avert War and Trigger Peace. IDN-InDepthNews (22 June 2016)
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Reinhardt, Jacobsen (2016), ‘Eritrean-Ethiopian Border Clashes Might Require UN Intervention’ IDN-InDepthNews (13 June 2016)
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Holtland, Jenne Jan (2016) ‘Eritrea schuldig aan misdaden tegen menselijkheid’, De Volkskrant (8 June 2016)
Plaut, Martin et Reisen van, Mirjam (2016) ‘Is the EU attempting to protect the Eritrean dictatorship’, NewStateman (7 June 2016)
OneWorld Redactie (2016), ‘De waarheid over Eritrea komt nu beetje bij beetje naar boven’, OneWorld (7 June 2016)
May 2016
Gaukema, Laurens (2016), ‘Nederlandse academische vrijheid buitengewoon positief’, De Kennis van nu (19 May 2016)
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April 2016
Remarque Philippe (2016), ‘Peach and black, kort geding en goede leraren’, Volkskrant (23 April 2016)
Hanneke Chin-A-Fo (2016), ‘Veiligheidsmaatregelen rond Eritrea-deskundige’ NRC (19 April 2016)
March 2016
Mirjam Van Reisen (2016),’Ontdek Molenbeek/ sociaal Brussel vecht voor zijn vrijheid’, OneWorld (28 March 2016)
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Asmarino Independent (2016), ‘European Parliament Calls on the Eritrean Government to End Indefinite National Service and Demobilise Recruits’ (10 March 2016)
Plaut Martin (2016), ‘How Eritrea is turning to Dutch courts to silence its critics’, The Guardian (1 March 2016)
February 2016
Univers (2016), ‘Hoogleraar Mirjam van Reisen niet schuldig aan smaad en laster’ (15 February 2016)
Eritrea Daily (2016), ‘Netherlands: Van Reisen Prevails, Eritrea tyrant’s lackey fails, like verdict looms’ (12 February 2016)
Geeska Afrika (2016), ‘Eritrea: Court Rules in Favour of Dutch Human Rights Advocate’ (11 February 2016)
Hannake Chin-A-Fo (2016), ‘Bij ons in Eritrea is alles oké. Was getekend: elke Eritreeër’ (11 February 2016)
Human Rights Concern Eritrea (2016), ‘Court Rules in Favour of Mirjam van Reisen’ (10 February 2016)
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NOS (2016), ‘Hoogleraar Van Reisen wint geding van Eritrese Nederlander’, NOS (10 February 2016)
Marjon Bolwijn (2016), ‘Eritrea-expert niet schuldig aan smaad’, de Volkskrant (10 February 2016)
Reinhardt Jacobsen (2016), ‘Court Rules in Favour of Dutch Human Rights Advocate’, IDN – InDepthNews (10 February 2016)
Reinhardt Jacobsen (2016) ‘Dutch Court Examines Alleged Eritrean Surveillance & Intimidation’, IDN-InDepthNews Analysis (9 February 2016)
January 2016
Sirak Bahlbi (2016) ‘Meseret Bahlbi – The Antithesis of ‘Lynchpin Spy’’, TesfaNews (30 January 2016)
Hanneke Chin-A-Fo (2016) ‘Kritiek op Eritrea is ook hier riskant’, (28 January 2016)
Francine Bardoel (2016), ‘Mirjam van Reisen bedreigd door aanhangers regime Eritrea’, Univers Online (27 January 2016)
De Volksrant, ANP (2016), ‘Nederlanders die Eritrea bekritiseren worden geïntimideerd en achtervolgd’, DeMorgen, (27 January 2016)
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The Post Online (2016), ‘Aanhangers regime Eritrea intimideren wetenschappers en journalisten in Nederland’, The Post Online (27 January 2016)
Marjon Bolwijn, Huib Modderkolk (2016), ‘Steeds radicaler lid van politiek partij dictator Eritrea’, De Volkskrant (27 January 2016)
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Marjon Bolwijn, Huib Modderkolk (2016), ‘Nu weet ik how het is om je geïtimideerd te voelen’, De Volkskrant. (27 January 2016)
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