Annual Reports


Capture d’écran 2016-07-14 à 14.46.33During 2014, preparations intensified for what should come after the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) since 2015 was set as the deadline for their achievement. The year also coincided with the start of the European Union’s (EU) new budget cycle covering the period 2014-2020, for which the plans of the European Commission (EC) and other EU institutions were being developed and finalized.

Read the full 2014/2015 Annual Report


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The year 2013 has been another challenging year for the European Union as it continues to face several internal crises in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. However, as stated by the European Commission President Barroso, ‘we should acknowledge that 2013 has been a very busy year and as it draws to a close we can be proud of what has been achieved’ …

Read the full 2013 Annual Report


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The year 2012 was a challenging one for the European Union. The ongoing financial-economic crisis, severe international conflicts as well as pressure from emerging economies created a strong need for the EU to reassert itself in the global arena.
The financial and sovereign debt crisis had a strong impact on the European Union institutions as well as national governement’s budgets. Considering that austerity measures are being taken all over Europe, Official Development Assistance, both at the national and EU level, is likely to face the strongest cuts since the Millenium Development Goals were settled.

Read the full 2012 Annual Report

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Read the full 2007/2008 Annual Report