News Highlights: EU plans for Syria, Libya, Yemen, New Italy-Libya deal, US sanctions Eritrea

This week’s news highlights include the outcomes of the EU Foreign Affairs Council held in Luxembourg this Monday, an investigation showing little evidence of the allegations of NGO connections with human smugglers in the Mediterranean Sea and an update of the arrivals in EU. A new deal between Italy and Libya on the Libyan Southern border was reached. Eritrea was put under new sanctions by the United States while the flow of people fleeing the country towards South Sudan is increasing.

EU Plan for Middle-East: humanitarian aid and regional rapprochement policy under the UN’s aegis

The Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union started a week with the EU fully concentrated on the Middle-East peace and stabilisation processes. At the eve of the conference on the future of Syria, co-hosted by the UK and and the European Union in Brussels the 4th and 5th April, the Foreign Ministers dealt with the current crisis in Syria, Yemen and Libya.

Bread for the World criticises asylum centre plans in Libya

Translation of the interview with migration and development expert Sophia Wirsching, first published in German at

“Creating safe reception facilities in transit countries” is a goal of SPD faction leader Thomas Oppermann. Hence, he encourages cooperation with Libya. The charity Bread for the World deems this questionable under international law.