News Highlights: Eritrea receives delegations, US’s Blinken in Ethiopia, 30 presumed dead off Libya as SaR fails again

In this week’s news highlights: Eritrea receives delegations from Somalia and Sudan; US State Secretary Blinken’s trip to Ethiopia; Ethiopian opposition walks out of transitional justice meeting; Opposition parties in Ethiopia face harassment; WHO increases health response among Somali refugees in Ethiopia; Disagreement over regional presidency candidates in Tigray delays CoH agreement implementation; Cash shortages in Tigray; Forced rehabilitation of diaspora youth in Somalia; Ethiopian PM travels to South Sudan; Sudanese Democratic Bloc rejects appointment of PM before political agreement; 30 presumed dead as rescue efforts fail, despite warnings, off Libya; Libya launches border security plan; UNSC expresses concern over situation of refugees and migrants in statement; Labour challenge to UK Illegal Migration Bill fails; EC defends lack of EU rescue response after latest tragedy; EC presents framework on border management and returns; Italy estimates 680.000 people want to cross to Europe from Libya – IOM highly doubts that; Germany arrests traffickers and smugglers; Italian ombudsman calls for more guardians for unaccompanied minors; and Wagner puts 15 million USD bounty on Italian defence minister amidst accusations over weaponised migration. 

News highlights: Eritrean troops continue looting and killing, EU Action Plan for Central Mediterranean, Report finds weaponised starvation in South Sudan

In this week’s news highlights: US threatens sanctions to ensure Pretoria agreement implementation; Eritrean troops continue looting and killing in Tigray; Amnesty calls for justice for the survivors of sexual violence in Ethiopia; Report finds starvation being used as a weapon of war in South Sudan; UN calls on international community to help end cycle of aid dependency; IMF agrees to release 112 million USD to South Sudan; Amnesty calls for African-led justice in South Sudan; Outbreak of dengue fever in Sudan; Sudanese political leader returns in attempt to circumvent military exit; Iran protests mirror Sudan’s struggle with clothing and freedom; Famine in Somalia and the region “foreseeable” says EU official; Egypt and Greece reach agreement on migrant rescue; Refugee minors have a right to family reunification, also when married, rules EU top court; Hundreds of people saved in high seas rescue; Commission proposes Action Plan for Central Mediterranean; Increased Frontex presence in the Balkans under negotiation; Climate top sees Loss and damage fund agreement but a failure to deliver on phasing out fossil fuel.

News Highlights: Tigray-Ethiopia peace agreement signed; Fatal double bombing in Mogadishu; Nearly 1000 migrants and refugees waiting for disembarkation

In this week’s news highlights: Tigray- Ethiopia Peace agreement signed; Filsan Abdi and her resignation over the Tigray conflict; WHO says Tigray region has run out of medical supplies; Situation rapidly deteriorating, but the population does not revolt; Double terrorist bombing in Mogadishu; Closing women’s clinic in South Sudan symptomatic of waning donor interest; 8 million South Sudanese to face acute food insecurity; Resurgence of ethnic clashes in Blue Nile state; Cash handouts as alternative to alleviate drought suffering; EU funds Egyptian border control to curb migration via Libya; Torture of a minor Eritrean refugee in Libya; UN experts condemn lack of accountability for abuses at Europe’s border; EU looks to strengthen ties with Western Balkans; Lack of political will on migration solidarity; Report calls for an end to Eritrean diaspora tax; Czech Council presidency proposes reworked voluntary relocation mechanism; Extension of internal border checks with Slovakia; 1000 rescued migrants and refugees waiting for disembarkation; The food crisis must be addressed at a global level.