News Highlights: Ethiopia and Tigray agree to peace talks, EP adopts Tigray resolution, Key Eritrean trafficker extradited to The Netherlands

In this week’s new highlights: Ethiopian and Tigray authorities agree to AU peace talks;  Airstrikes and shelling in Tigray; Statement by commissioner Lenarčič on the humanitarian situation in Ethiopia; War in absence of media coverage; Human trafficking in Tigray, Afar and Amhara regions; Tigray babies are dying at 4 times pre-war levels, study finds; UN Child Rights Committee publishes findings on South Sudan; Alleged perpetrators of South Sudan Unity State violence identified; Sudan faces a descolarized generation; Sudanese civilian groups ask UN to reintegrate, disarm or demobilise RSF; Sudanese pro-democracy groups approve new charter; Somali offensive against Al-Shabab continues; UNHRC holds dialogue with expert on Somalia; Challenges and hope for food transport to the Horn; European Parliament adopts resolution on Tigray; Key Eritrean human trafficker Welid extradited from Ethiopia to the Netherlands to be tried; Partial reforms and mini deals around migration policy amidst increasing deportations; Vatican warns Italian leaders that helping migrants is an obligation.

Roadmap on asylum and migration and rotating Council presidencies: what implications for EU asylum and migration law?

The signature of the Joint Roadmap on Asylum and Migration by the European Parliament and Council heralds a busy legislative period that could have significant and lasting impact, not only on legislation, but on the direction European Asylum and migration law takes in the future. The proposed large overhaul of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) seems unlikely to pass in time and the Czech Council presidency is attempting to pass smaller, more consensual pieces of legislation; but according to critics also more problematic in their implications such as the instrumentalization regulation.This regulation, according to some, would make permanently accessible emergency opt out mechanisms, weakening EU asylum law and the international asylum system as a whole

News Highlights: DPM takes over in Ethiopia as escalation looms, Rights groups ask ICC to investigate Libya, Leaked EU document on arresting smugglers

In this week news highlights: First Humanitarian trucks arrive in Tigray since October; Ethiopia removes Irish diplomats and asks the US to stop spreading fake news; UAE airbridge to Ethiopia; Former NZ PM warns of potential genocide in Ethiopia; UN warns of new wave of displacement in Western Tigray; UN SG calls for immediate ceasefire; Ethiopian government bans reporting on war; Deputy Prime Minister takes over daily tasks in Ethiopia; Protests in Sudan Continue; Normalization between Sudan and Israel raises fear of deportation after coup; 780,000 people in need of humanitarian assistance in South Sudan; Severe drought forces thousands to relocate in Somalia; New law to facilitate refugee integration in Kenya; 75 individuals drowned in the Mediterranean Sea; Rights groups ask the ICC to investigate migrants abuses in Libya as potential crimes against humanity; Europe document detailing strategy for smuggler arrests revealed; More deaths in the English Channel; Four persons suspected of smuggling and torturing migrants in North Macadonia; Over 370 individuals rescued off Canary Islands; Migrants say they were tortured by Polish and Belarusian police; Stop Soros law criminalizing asylum seekers incompatible with EU law; NGOs accuse Greece of detaining migrants illegally; and Asylum seekers rights deteriorated due to COVID-19 lockdown measures.