News Highlights: Ceasefire extended in Sudan – conflict continues, Deaths off Tunisia and Libya, UK Court of Appeals on UK Asylum Bill

In this week’s news highlights: Delicate ceasefire in Sudan, negotiations pending; Humanitarian situation worsening in Sudan, death toll mounts; Fighting over key infrastructure in Sudan; Civilians and refugees in Sudan at risk as deportations loom, prices rise; Peace talks between OLA and Ethiopia; Delegation from regional states arrives in Tigray; Christians arrested in Eritrea; Fighting around Laascaanood, Somaliland, likely to resume; Drought would not have occurred without climate change, says report; 70 bodies recovered off Tunisian coast and 372 people returned; 57 bodies recovered off Libyan coast; Lawyers say UK Illegal Migration Bill is unlawful; Healthcare bodies raise concern over UK’s Illegal Migration Bill; Asylum seeker children treated as adults in the UK; EU Commission optimistic on approval of migration pact; EU ready to normalise relations with Ethiopia; Italy approves Cutro decree; Hundreds of refugees and migrants reach Italy; Germany and Italy tighten control on migration.

News Highlights: Situation in Ethiopia remains tense amidst ‘peace effort’, Thousands held in illegal detention in Libya, EU humanitarian bill adopted

This week news highlights: UNOCHA report indicates new clashes and dire humanitarian needs in Tigray; UN Secretary-General is hopeful progress towards peace is being made in Ethiopia; Debretsion states Eritrea needs to be addressed before peace negotiations can start in Ernest; ICRC prevented from aiding those in need due to lack of medical supplies in Tigray; Church reports the dire humanitarian situation in Tigray; Farmers in the Horn affected by drought need support, states FAO; UN human rights office urges Sudan authorities to stop the use of force against protestors; 12,000 migrants and refugees estimated by UN to be held in Libya, some in secret prisons; Unaccompanied minor refugees forced to share rooms with adults in the UK; Risk of discrimination and violation of human rights by UK border bill, say UN experts; Campaigners warn Greek biometric policing plan violates privacy rights, and Migrant boats to be stopped by UK military from crossing; EU adopts an annual humanitarian bill of € 1.5 billion