News Highlights: Fighting erupts in Sudan, EP approves part of EU migration reform, Concern over political situation in Tunisia

In this week’s news highlights: Fighting erupts between RSF and SAF in Sudan; Sudan’s humanitarian situation; Efforts to mediate in Sudan; Targeting of diplomats and aid workers in Sudan; Ethiopia says it finalised the dismantling of the regional forces – clashes continue; Shide talks with the World Bank Group President; Tigray meeting on Demobilization, Disarmament, and Reintegration; Kenya’s Ruto seeks resumption of talks; South Sudan cabinet approves Election Act; Joint call on the Laascaanood conflict; Concern over political situation in Tunisia; US cuts funds for Libya-Tunisia Electronic Border Security Program; EP approves central part of EU migration reform; Warning from analysts to ensure AI does not harm refugees and migrants; Meloni announces “Mattei Plan” in Ethiopia; Italy’s plans to crack down on migration; 60 rescued in Malta after pressure from NGO; One dies after boat capsizes off Greek coast; and Law condoning pushbacks passed in Lithuania.

News Highlights: AU suspends Sudan amidst coup, Sanctions against Libyan detention chief, Greek camps detain migrants illegally

In this week news highlights: African Union suspends Sudan’s Membership; Guterres appeals to the UNSC for effective deterrence against coups; Millions called to protest the Coup; US Senators call on Ethiopia to take action to avert revocation of AGOA benefits; Government airstrike kills 6; British-Canadian researcher sentenced to 5 year for espionage in Somalia; International Crisis Group suggest a roadmap out of the Tigray conflict; Millions of Somalis will rely on humanitarian aid by 2022; LGBTQ refugees facing violence and discrimination in Kenya; Humanitarian flights from Libya restarted; UN and US impose sanctions against Libyan detention centre manager Osama Al Kuni Ibrahim; Eritrean human trafficker Kidane Zekarias Habtemariam target of international investigation; The EU will not fund a wall to prevent migration at the Belarus border; Migrants and refugees held in dire conditions in Greek camps; Polish border guards use tear gas against migrants; Italy’s former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini on trial for kidnapping; Facebook platforms exploited by human traffickers; and Millions newly displaced by climate change.