News Highlights: USAID halts food aid to Ethiopia, EU ministers agree on stricter asylum procedures, Fighting intensifies in Sudan

In this week’s News Highlights: Indirect ceasefire talks resume in Sudan, but fighting intensifies; Widespread killings in el-Geneina and other parts of Darfur; Infrastructure under attack in Sudan; Humanitarian situation in Sudan; Violence against civilians and journalists in Sudan; Refugees and displacement reach a new highpoint in Sudan conflict; UN Envoy declared Persona Non Grata by al-Burhan; USAID suspends food aid to all of Ethiopia amidst diversion investigation; Eritrean and Ethiopian refugees arrested and killed amidst conflict and insecurity; HOPR letter argues Tigray should not receive tax revenue from wartime; Troops continue to occupy Tigray, AU-MVCM not acting, critics say; Tigray war the deadliest in 2022, suffering continues; Malnutrition in under 5 Tigrayan children; FANO militia killed and arrested in Amhara; Oromia talks will not resume soon; Budget approved by Ethiopian Council of Ministers; HRW writes letter to Ethiopian minister of justice; EHRC reports increasing cases of forced disappearances in Ethiopia; Interview with President Isaias on bilateral relations with Russia; Egyptian migrants and refugees deported by Libyan authorities; Tunisia and Italy hold talks about migration; Nine bodies recovered and 29 people rescued by Tunisian coast guard; EU Home Affairs ministers reach agreement on stricter asylum rules; Refugees and migrants will be housed in barges in the UK; German rescue vessels detained under Italian rules on rescue operations; Italy lied and Frontex helped in the cover up, investigation says; 1500 migrants and refugees rescued in two days off Italian coast; Greek authorities rescue 91 migrants and refugees; Head of IOM talks with Microsoft for migration management; 10 arrested for people smuggling in North Macedonia; The right opposes the French migration agreement with Algeria; Media campaign to ‘deter migration’ in Cyprus.

News Highlights: Displacement from Sudan reaches 1.3 million, Elections in Puntland, NGOs condemn EU for deaths at sea

In this week’s News Highlights: Latest ceasefire in Sudan monitored, but breached; UN scrambles to deliver aid in Sudan, as 1.3 million people are displaced; Ethiopian and Eritrean refugees stuck in Sudan; Cities in Darfur experiencing fighting, looting and blackouts; Refugees from Sudan in trouble in Chad and Egypt; TPLF files complaint against NEBE; WFP announces aid measures in Tigray, but not resumption of aid; IDPs in Tigray protest occupation by Eritrean and Amhara forces; Fighting in Amhara and Oromia regions continues; EOTC pledges to restore relations; Somalia’s Puntland region to hold elections; High-level pledging event for Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia falls short of goal; Eritrea as country with the second-highest prevalence of slavery; Migrants and refugees report on Libyan detention centres; GNU attacks opposing militia with air raids; UK government announces new measure to curb migration; UK Home Secretary tries to skip final vote on the illegal migration bill; Italian NGOs condemn European countries for deaths at sea; Italy to build first hotspot in the North of the country; Germany publishes new draft citizenship law; German Interior Minister urges reform of the EU asylum system; Austria strengthens border controls as Hungary releases people smugglers; Greece to investigate over illegal deportations of migrants and refugees; 3 dead and 12 missing at sea in Greece; Increased crossings at Poland-Belarus border concerns Germany.

News Highlights: Journalists in danger in the Horn, Frontex director resign after accusations, Deaths at sea rise in the Mediterranean

In this week’s News Highlights: TPLF states a general was murdered in Ethiopian federal prison; Somali region of Ethiopia has not seen rain since 18 month; Dozens of resistance committees members arbitrarily held in Sudanese jail; Al-Shabaab strikes on Somalian African Union base; Ethiopia as ‘worst jailers of journalists’ on the continent; Video allegedly shows abuses by the Ethiopian army towards ethnic Tigrayan boy; US Chargé d’Affaires calls for an immediate protection of journalists in South Sudan; New investigation strategy on crimes against humanity by the ICC in Libya; Eritrean refugees detained and pushed back by Egyptian authorities; Frontex director resigns after accusations of illegal pushbacks; UNHCR calls for urgent state action as deaths at sea rise in the Mediterranean; 547 migrants and refugees crossing the Channel in two days; Migrant and refugee camp attacked in Paris; Erdogan’s project of voluntary return for one million Syrian refugees; public seminar on Libya at the European Parliament; Alleged human trafficking network dismantled in North Wales; 20th World Press Freedom Index reveals ‘polarisation’ of journalism.