News highlights: Aid to Tigray still limited, Divisions around Libya’s election process, Tension rises as France enforces border checks with Italy

i government protests the decision; Fear around Libya’s election process; Tension rises as France enforces border checks with Italy; Ship carrying 230 people rescued at sea docks in France after being turned away from Italy; European asylum right deregulation increases risk of rights abuses; Official launch of the African Union Compliance and Accountability Framework; African nations ask for more to help combat climate change; Donors must act quickly is famine is to be averted in East Africa; and UN increasingly concerned by privatisation of force.

News Highlights: Eritrean government-linked interpreters in Europe, UN identifies possible war criminals in South Sudan, French asylum law criticized

In this week’s news highlights: Eritrean government-linked individuals in Europe acting as interpreters for Eritrean asylum seekers; Eritrean meeting in London cancelled after diaspora protests; UN urges Sudan to end impunity for rape crimes; South Sudan on the brink of famine; South Sudanese military officially accused by UN for perpetrating war crimes; Number of unaccompanied children refugees in South Sudan worrying; French draft law on asylum criticized as unbalanced; Frontex would not mind becoming the new European law enforcement agency; UNDP discusses the shortcomings of the Sustainable Development Goals in the European Parliament.